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The 2nd Annual Arizona Health Equity Conference was a great success with approximately 315 attendees and glowing evaluation feedback. Mayo Clinic, through support from the[...]
Eddie L. Greene, M.D., Consultant in Nephrology, Medical Director of the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine's Office of Diversity, and Member of the Mayo Clinic Board[...]
Chara Chamie, M.P.H., OHDR’s Arizona Program Manager, was recently selected as a member of the Steering Committee for the Health Improvement Partnership of Maricopa County[...]
Mayo Clinic health disparities research investigators and administrators were in wide attendance at the recent Healthy Churches 2020 Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. Healthy Churches[...]
A number of Mayo Clinic health disparities researchers will be featured at the upcoming American Association for Cancer Research's (AACR) 8th Conference on the Science[...]
The Rochester Branch of the NAACP awarded LaPrincess Brewer, M.D., its “Nancy Hart Meritorious Service Award” at its 2015 Freedom Fund Banquet on October 24,[...]
The Third Annual Office of Health Disparities Research Retreat, held on September 28 and 29, 2015, was attended by seventy-two participants from across Mayo Clinic,[...]
The Mayo Clinic Office of Health Disparities Research (OHDR) is pleased to announce four awards for 2016 pilot research projects. The OHDR provides seed funding[...]
An important milestone has been reached with joint efforts between Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University regarding Cancer Survivorship. Specifically, a major RO1 National Institutes of Health/National[...]
Mayo Clinic researchers Richard White, M.D., Community Internal Medicine, and Hadiya Guerrero, D.P.T, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, have been selected by the National Institute on[...]