Mayo Clinic Researchers Selected for NIMHD Translational Health Disparities Course

Mayo Clinic researchers Richard White, M.D., Community Internal Medicine, and Hadiya Guerrero, D.P.T, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, have been selected by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) to attend the NIMHD’s 2015 Translational Health Disparities Course, on August 3–14 in Bethesda, Maryland.

Dr. Richard White

Attendees are selected from a highly competitive national application process for the two-week course, which provides knowledge and research tools for translational and transdisciplinary research and interventions to eliminate health disparities. Dr. White and Dr. Guerrero were also awarded travel scholarships from Mayo’s Office of Health Disparities Research (OHDR) to attend the course.

Dr. White’s research focuses on diabetes disease management and obesity prevention, particularly among minority patients. He is currently funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and by an OHDR Pilot Project Award to conduct clinical studies using culturally tailored, behavioral interventions that incorporate principles of clear health communication.

Dr. Hadiya Guerrero

Dr. Guerrero is a research clinician with interest in rehabilitation research, including pediatrics. She has collaborated on research to study rehabilitation outcomes and effects of Kinesio Taping in children with developmental differences. Dr. Guerrero received the 2014 Gabriella E. Molnar-Swafford Pediatric Research Grant by the Foundation for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Dr. White and Dr. Guerrero will present their learnings from the NIMHD course at the OHDR annual retreat, on September 28–29 in Rochester. All Mayo staff members are invited to attend the retreat, which includes presentations and panel discussions on health disparities research efforts and resources across Mayo, as well as networking opportunities for scientists at all career stages.

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