NIH’s Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity Visits Mayo

Dr. Hannah A. Valantine, the NIH Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity, presented NIH’s Scien-tific Approach to Achieving Inclusive Excellence at the Elizabeth Blackwell Mayo Medical Grand Rounds on Wednesday July 11, 2018. Additionally, she introduced a new Scientific Workforce Diversity Toolkit, designed to (1) ad-vance scholarship of the science of diversity and inclusion, (2) use a data-driven, scientific approach to understand the drivers and outcomes of inclusive excellence, (3) study and mitigate the role of sociocul-tural factors in recruitment, retention, and career advancement, and (4) sustain future workforce inclu-sive excellence. Dr. Valantine will be leading a Diversity Toolkit Training Webinar on Monday, July 30, 2018 from 12:30pm-1:30pm (CDT).