Heart Failure Disparity in African Americans: Role of Negative Affect and Inflammation

Roger_Veronique_L_11A-10457038-Native FileAlanna Chamberlain, Ph.D.Researchers

Véronique L. Roger, M.D.
Alanna M. Chamberlain, Ph.D.


African Americans have a higher incidence of heart failure (HF) than Caucasians. Factors other than traditional cardiovascular risk factors, such as psychosocial measures, may play a role in the racial disparity in HF incidence, yet have not been studied and the mechanisms by which these measures influence the development of HF have not been adequately investigated. As a Jackson Heart Study (JHS) Vanguard Center, we will utilize data from this unique cohort of African Americans to investigate the disparity in HF incidence through the following aims:
  • Aim 1: To examine the associations of negative affect (depression, hostility and anger) with measures of inflammation (white blood cell count and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein) in African Americans. In doing so, we will test the hypothesis that measures of negative affect are correlated with increased levels of inflammatory markers in African Americans.
  • Aim 2: To examine the associations of depression, hostility and anger with incident HF and to test the hypothesis that these psychosocial constructs are associated with the development of HF among African Americans after controlling for traditional HF risk factors. Identification of unique factors contributing to the racial disparity in HF is a key step to identifying future areas of research and interventions to reduce the excess burden of HF in African Americans.

The results of this study will provide preliminary data supporting submission for extramural funding to more comprehensively investigator factors contributing to the excess burden of HF in African Americans, an area of research that is urgently needed.


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