Gerardo Colón-Otero, M.D.

Colon-Otero_Gerardo_11AP (primary) [MSS_0000967991 Revision-1]Location

Jacksonville, Florida


Research Summary

Cancer, vitamin D, African American, Hispanic

Gerardo Colón-Otero, M.D., is a hematologist and oncologist whose research includes community-based research on cancer education, cancer screening and prevention, translational research, and cancer clinical research. His recent projects include: 1) a pilot study evaluating the prevalence of t(14,18) and monoclonal gammopathies in African American populations and the possible relationship of vitamin D deficiency; 2) attitudes of low-income, uninsured populations toward HPV vaccination; 3) education of Hispanic populations on cancer prevention; and 4) education of African American populations, in collaboration with African American churches, on the importance of cancer research.

See my Mayo Clinic research profile

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