Community Partners

Community partnerships facilitate cross-talk needed to trigger health-inequity solutions and create a network of Mayo Clinic, clinical partners, area hospitals and health care organizations, to ultimately bring research back into the communities in which it is conducted.

The official Mayo Clinic Office of Health Disparities Research partnerships with various community entities below were created to help researchers at both institutions, to strengthen and expand connections, and to assist in building collaboration through:

  • Institutional agreements or memoranda of understanding
  • Grant funding
  • Joint faculty appointments
  • Shared graduate students
  • Conducting health disparities research addressing the needs of the undeserved population cared for by the partnering institution

 Mountain Park Health Center

Mountain parkThis partner health center is in the Phoenix metropolitan area, which is large and diverse. Mountain Park has five clinics around the Phoenix  area with an emphasis on five core services: family medicine, pediatric services, women’s health care, pharmacy and dental care. The health center provides affordable, quality health and dental care services with an emphasis on prevention. The center cares for patients who are insured, uninsured or under-insured. The center sees patients of all demographics, with the majority being Hispanic. Current projects with Mayo Clinic are the 'Breast-Density Project' led by Celine M. Vachon, Ph.D., and Carmen Radecki Breitkopf, Ph.D. The project is aimed at assessing baseline cancer risk for Hispanic women with high-density breasts.

Maricopa Integrated Health System

Maricopa Integrated Health System (MIHS) has an excellent reputation as a quality institute that does clinical research to improve health care outcomes. MIHS serves a diverse patient population in central Phoenix, including those who are uninsured. Physicians in MIHS participate in clinical trials; evidence-based medicine reviews of patient treatment, diagnosis, and care; and collaborative research projects with research partnerships and alliances with major institutions that support the academic mission of MIHS.

Project: Assessing the Feasibility of End-of-Life Research at Maricopa Integrated Health System

Arizona State University


About Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University

Additional Community Partnerships through the Mayo Clinic-A.S.U. collaboration


Collaborative Health Disparities Projects 

Navigation from Community to Clinic to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening in Underserved Populations

Linda Larkey, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Scott Leischow, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic

Outline the direction of future community dialogue in understanding and addressing breast cancer and healthcare disparities within the African American population in Phoenix, Arizona.

Building a Better Cancer Navigation Program for African Americans

Marion Kelley, Mayo Clinic
Olga Idriss Davies, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Linda Larkey, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Scott Leischow, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic

 Racial/Ethnic Disparities Among Transplant Patients

Nandita Khera, M.D., Mayo Clinic
Julie McNulty, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Sunny Kim, Ph.D., Arizona State University

Cancer Supportive Care Resources/Needs Assessment Among Cancer Patients

Scott Leischow, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic
Julie McNulty, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Sunny Kim, Ph.D., Arizona State University

Cultural Tailoring for Cancer Prevention in African Americans

Linda Larkey, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Scott Leischow, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic

Phoenix Indian Center







Native C-Cancer I-Information R-Resource C-Center and L-Learning E-Exchange

circle-logo-smThe Native CIRCLE is a resource center providing cancer- and non-cancer-related materials to health care professionals and lay people involved in the education, care and treatment of American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Culturally appropriate educational materials are essential tools for community outreach. The American Indian/Alaska Native Cancer Information Resource Center and Learning Exchange ("Native CIRCLE"), established in 1999, within the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center provides, stimulates, develops, maintains and disseminates culturally appropriate cancer, diabetes and health and wellness materials for American Indian/Alaska Native educators, providers and students. Movies and print materials sent to CIRCLE from around Indian country are reviewed by the medical director (Judith Salmon Kaur, M.D.) for medical accuracy, modified if necessary, and made available for distribution to health care and community settings.

University of Florida Health




New Town Success Zone







Volunteers in Medicine


volunteers in medicineVolunteers in Medicine Jacksonville provides free primary health care to low-income, working adults and their families.

Project: Administer a survey to the VIM patient population to understand and assess awareness of HPV and HPV vaccination among the clinic population.


Drs. Colon-Otero and Radecki Breitkopf