
Mayo Clinic’s Sean Phelan, PhD, was recently awarded two NIH grants in furtherance of health dispari-ties research. The first, an R21, will support a study[...]

By Sumedha G. Penheiter • March 2, 2017

A number of current and developing Mayo Clinic community-based, participatory health disparities research projects received a big boost in November, when two dozen PI’s, research[...]

By Sumedha G. Penheiter • December 6, 2016

Over 100 researchers, clinicians, educators and administrators from across Mayo Clinic, as well as outside community members, gathered in Rochester, Minnesota, for the Office of Heath[...]

By Sumedha G. Penheiter • December 5, 2016

Minority disparities in organ transplantation, skin cancer screening, genotyping, cardiovascular disease, and genetic research will now all be investigated through funding provided by the Office[...]

By Sumedha G. Penheiter • August 22, 2016

Mayo Clinic will be awarded $142 million in funding over five years by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to serve as the national Precision[...]

By Sumedha G. Penheiter • June 3, 2016

Researchers study tobacco use in Somali community where 36 percent smoke cigarettes. In a pilot project funded by the Office of Health Disparities Research, Arizona researchers[...]

By Sumedha G. Penheiter • May 11, 2016

Since the 1970s, exposure to secondhand smoke has decreased dramatically in the U.S. with implementation of smoke-free policies in many states and communities. However, these[...]

By Sumedha G. Penheiter • April 19, 2016

Michael Wilson, M.D., PI of the OHDR 2016 Pilot Awarded project “Disparities in Decision Making and Medical Care at the End of Life in the[...]

By Sumedha G. Penheiter • April 4, 2016

A transdisciplinary team of Arizona researchers, including Gabriel Shaibi, Ph.D. (Mayo affiliate researcher in Health Science Research and member of the OHDR-Arizona Internal Advisory Team),[...]

By Sumedha G. Penheiter • March 1, 2016

The Society of Behavioral Medicine has chosen 24 mid-career scientists from around the nation for its inaugural year-long Leadership Institute. Carmen Radecki Breitkopf, Ph.D., a[...]

By Sumedha G. Penheiter • February 22, 2016