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What is a "health disparity"?


Good health should be an equal opportunity for all populations, regardless of race, ethnicity and other factors. Yet statistics show that minorities not only have a higher risk of developing conditions like diabetes and cancer, but they are also more likely to die from these conditions. A health disparity (or inequality) occurs when members of one population group do not enjoy the same health status as other groups—for example, they may have a higher incidence of a certain disease. Disparities are determined and measured by three health statistics:

  • Incidence
  • Mortality
  • Survival rate

Health disparities are most often identified along racial and ethnic lines but may also involve biological, environmental and behavioral factors, as well as differences noted on the basis of income and education.

OHDR Fact Sheet

NIH fact sheet on health disparities

AHRQ National Healthcare Disparities report

CDC Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities

HHS Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities


Addressing health disparities

Mayo Clinic is engaged in a wide range of activities to identify and address health disparities. Some of these projects are collaborations with community organizations, while others involve clinical and basic research studies. The Office of Health Disparities Research:

Diversity and inclusion at Mayo Clinic

The Office of Health Disparities Research partners with three other Mayo Clinic offices that promote diversity and inclusion:

  • Office of Health Equities and Inclusion: Supports inclusiveness and health equity for the patient populations Mayo Clinic serves
  • College of Medicine Office for Diversity: Promotes diversity in Mayo Clinic educational programs
  • Office of Diversity and Inclusion: Oversees diversity and inclusion programs for employees throughout Mayo Clinic, including both clinical and nonclinical work areas


Office of Health Disparities Research
