Mayo Clinic Pediatric Advisory Board to Empower Children

A Pediatric Advisory Boards (PAB) has been convened with a goal to provide feedback to Mayo Clinic investigators on studies conducted with the pediatric community at Mayo Clinic. The PAB is supported by the Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCaTS) within the Community Engagement Program and Special Populations Programs. The CCaTS PAB will assist Mayo Clinic researchers to ensure that pediatric research represents the major health concerns of youth, respects the ability of youth to assent to participate in research, and benefits the health of youth. The overall goals of the Board will be to: review and advise Mayo Clinic biomedical researchers on pediatric research studies, represent the needs of the youth in the local community, increase research literacy of youth, increase participation in biomedical research at Mayo Clinic, engage local youth in determining the health and wellness needs to increase health equity and reduce health disparities, create and convene a sustainable group of youth to engage in thought dialogs about biomedical research, build capacity and partnerships of youth based organizations to partner with Mayo Clinic biomedical Research, ask PAB members to advise researchers on the best practices when conducting biomedical research with youth, have PAB members help identify other community members and partners that should be represented on the Pediatric Advisory Board.

Please contact Miguel Valdez Soto to learn more about the Pediatric Advisory Board.

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