The Role of the Black Church in Public Health

Mayo Cardiologist, La Princess Brewer MD, co-authored an editorial with Dr. David Williams (the most published health disparities scholar) in the March issue of American Journal of Public Health. The editorial, part of the March issue on Faith-Based Organization and Public Health Practice, discusses the role, reach, and influence of faith-based institutions in the African American community and the underserved populations to which they minister. Dr. Williams invited Dr. Brewer to co-author the article.  He was the keynote at OHDR’s 2017 Retreat, where Dr. Brewer presented her work on outreach collaboration with The Balm in Gilead, Inc., a non-profit capacity-building organization focused on health ministries in black churches. Dr. Brewer has a strong partnership with African American churches in Rochester, focused on improving cardiac health of parish members through her FAITH! research program.  ARTICLE


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