Cultivating H.O.P.E. (Health Outcomes from Positive Experiences) – A New Approach for Child Maltreatment Prevention and Health Promotion

The Native American Interest Group is very pleased to host Dr. Jeff Linkenbach, (Montana Institute) and Dr. Robert Sege (Tufts University) on Wednesday, February 13th at noon Central Time. Jeff Linkenbach, Ed.D., is the Founding Director and a Research Scientist at The Montana Institute.  He has developed national award-winning research-based programs to change norms.  He is an affiliate faculty member with the University of Montana – Mansfield Center, and a Fellow with UM-Mansfield Academy for Global Leadership. Robert Sege, M.D., Ph.D., is a Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at Tufts University School of Medicine, where he directs a new Center for Community-engaged Medicine.  Dr. Sege is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that directly address the social determinants of health. Their talk is entitled, Cultivating H.O.P.E. (Health Outcomes from Positive Experiences) – A New Approach for Child Maltreatment Prevention and Health Promotion.

All of us carry with us the experiences of our own past, and the historical experiences of our people.  Wisdom teachers in many native traditions have long espoused that culture, language and ceremony are paramount to balance and wellbeing.  In the past, the Western outlook has often focused on trauma and adversity.  Now, new research may finally be catching up to Native science with a focus on positivity as resilience. “The future of our society is bright, and it rests with our children, who are the leaders, parents, citizens and workforce of the future. In turn, the well-being of our children is the responsibility of all of us. Current brain and social sciences have shed light on the impact of childhood adversity, risks, and toxic and negative factors impacting healthy child development. Yet this focus can only go so far in prescribing what is needed for a thriving society.” (Sege, R., Bethell, C., Linkenbach, J., Jones, J., Klika, B. & Pecora, P.J. 2017. Balancing Adverse Childhood Experiences with HOPE: New Insights Into the Role of Positive Experience on Child and Family Development. Boston: The Medical Foundation). Drs. Robert Sege and Jeff Linkenbach will present their work in this webinar with a focus on the HOPE Framework (Health Outcomes of Positive Experience).  This approach builds on the important insights of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study – that adult health is deeply affected by childhood experience.  By exploring the positive childhood experiences that contribute to adult health, the keynote address will help reframe our work with vulnerable families. HOPE is one piece of a growing body of work that points to concrete steps we can take to help assure our children (Native and non-Native) have a bright future.

(NOTE: This meeting will be held on Wednesday (not Tuesday), February 13th starting at noon Central Time.  We will return to Tuesday presentations with our March Speaker, Valarie Guimaraes).

For this month only, the presentation primarily will be available through Blackboard (see the link below) or by our teleconference number.

We will have limited seating for 15 individuals.  If you prefer to join us in person, we will host the talk from Bio-Business 5-12.  As always, your RSVP is important.  It helps with lunch ordering and to establish our reach locally, regionally, and nationally.

To join via Blackboard go to:

To join via telephone, dial: 866-365-4406 and at the prompt enter: 2844575#

RSVP To Wes Petersen by 2/8/19 via:
Phone: 507-266-2204

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