2018 Office of Health Disparities Research Retreat

175+ Mayo Attendees Share Health Disparities Research News, Gain Research and Minority Recruitment Insights, and Develop Collaborations at OHDR Retreat

More than 175 Mayo personnel affiliated with over 50 work areas from all three campuses and the MCHS attended the Office of Health Disparities Research retreat August 7 and 8, 2018 at the Double- Tree Hotel. Dr. Kimberly Arriola, Keynote Speaker, addressed racism—both acute and institutionalized—as a social determinant of health and the impact of experienced racism on immediate physical and mental health and on physiological and emotional wellness over time. Dr. Arriola also specifically discussed her research and ongoing efforts to isolate race-related stress as a factor in chronic kidney disease. Attendees also enjoyed a special guest presentation, sponsored by CCaTS, by Dr. Pernessa Seele, founder of ‘The Balm in Gilead,’ who discussed faith-based institutions as an alternative delivery mechanism for health and wellness education and interventions. In addition to theses featured presenters, the retreat included scientific presentations by OHDR’s 2017 Pilot Project Awardees, informational sessions on Community Engagement and Minority Recruitment, Institutional Tools for Health Disparities Research, Enterprise-Wide Health Equity Efforts, and Reducing Health Disparities via Diverse Modes of Healthcare Delivery. OHDR thanks the many Retreat presenters and all the attendees for a lively, engaging event!