AACR Highlights Mayo Clinic Researcher’s Study on Underrepresentation of Elderly and Ethnic Minorities in Clinical Trials

The American Association for Cancer Research featured a study, led by Mayo Clinic’s Narjust Duma, MD, in a national press release related to its 2017 Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. Dr. Duma’s study, internally funded by Mayo Clinic, established that the elderly and ethnic minorities are underrepresented in cancer therapeutic trials, and that African American and Hispanic enrollment in such trials has declined over the past two decades. The AACR’s press release, viewable HERE, was picked up and broadcast by Eureka Alert , NewsMax Media, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)’s EurekaAlert! science news, NewsMax Media’s newsmax health, HealthDay news, and U.S.News and World Report. OHDR Congratulates Dr. Duma on this prominent recognition!



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