2017 OHDR Retreat Keynote Address by David R. Williams, Ph.D.

Approximately 100 researchers, clinicians, educators and administrators from all three Mayo Clinic campuses attended the 2017 Office of Health Disparities retreat, held Aug. 22–23 in Rochester, Minn. The event kicked off with an inspiring keynote address presented by David R. Williams, Ph.D., Harvard University, entitled "The House That Racism Built: Consequences and Opportunities for Health Equity."  Key points of Dr. Williams' presentation included:

  • Allostatic load due to everyday discrimination and racism leads to early onset of disease due to biological weathering.
  • Socioeconomic status is a major cultural determinant of health.
  • To prevent unequal treatment by providers, stereotype replacement is necessary.
  • When cultural competence in providers is high, racial disparities are minimized.

Watch Dr. Williams' stirring presentation:

View the presentation slides:

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