OHDR Announces 2017 Pilot Project Awardees

Minority disparities in organ transplantation, skin cancer screening, genotyping, cardiovascular disease, and genetic research will now all be investigated through funding provided by the Office of Health Disparities Research (OHDR). OHDR is pleased to announce the following recipients of the 2017 round of Pilot Projects, intended to facilitate research that will lead to extramural funding in health disparities research.
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Mirris Keddis, M.D.  (Nephrology-AZ)
A Pilot Study on the Barriers to Kidney Transplantation and Kidney Transplant Outcomes in American Indians

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Aaron Mangold, M.D.  (Dermatology-AZ)
Perception and Reality -- The Characterization of Skin Lesions, Attitudes Towards Malignancy and Body Awareness in Hispanics

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James Meschia, M.D.  (Neurology-FL)
Increasing Diversity and Genotyping of non-European Descent Individuals in the Mayo Clinic Florida Familial Cerebrovascular Diseases Registry

Jane Njeru, M.B., Ch.B.  (Primary Care Internal Medicine-MN)
Social Network Analysis for Health Behaviors Among Hispanic and Somali Adults at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

Carmen Radecki Breitkopf, Ph.D. (Health Care Policy & Research-MN)
Exploring Attitudes Toward Return of Genetic Research Results to Family Among Diverse Populations

The selected projects represent a wide variety of disparities topics, across a diverse field of medical disciplines, and include projects from all three Mayo Clinic sites. Congratulations to the awardees, and our thanks to all who submitted applications for these competitive awards! READ PILOT ABSRACTS

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