NIH Commits $3.1M Grant to Support Groundbreaking Research to Prevent Diabetes in Latino Youth

A transdisciplinary team of Arizona researchers, including Gabriel Shaibi, Ph.D. (Mayo affiliate researcher in Health Science Research and member of the OHDR-Arizona Internal Advisory Team), who will serve as principal investigator, has been awarded a five-year, $3.1 million grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases to test a culturally grounded lifestyle intervention program for reducing diabetes risk in obese Latino adolescents with prediabetes. The new grant, "Preventing Diabetes in Latino Youth," is a collaboration between Arizona State University, Phoenix Children's Hospital, Valley of the Sun YMCA, the Family Wellness Program of St. Vincent de Paul Medical and Dental Clinic, and the University of Washington.  Learn more.

Gabriel Shaibi, Ph.D.
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