Carmen Radecki Breitkopf, Ph.D.

Radecki_Breitkopf_Carmen_10JL (primary) [MSS_865392 Revision-1]Location

Rochester, Minnesota


Research Summary

Cancer continuum, women’s cancers, behavioral science, research participation decisionmaking, vulnerable and diverse populations as research volunteers

Carmen Radecki Breitkopf, Ph.D., conducts research focused on understanding and reducing disparities in health that may result from patient-related factors, including sociodemographics, English language proficiency, and cultural beliefs about health and disease. In particular, she has studied psychological and behavioral aspects of cancer prevention among minority and vulnerable populations. In addition, she has an interest in studying issues related to decisionmaking surrounding participation in clinical research among groups that are frequently underrepresented in research, such as adolescents, women and minorities.

Dr. Radecki Breitkopf has expertise in the use of a variety of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including semi-structured and structured interviews, focus groups, and survey methodology. As a psychologist, Dr. Radecki Breitkopf is interested in the development and application of health behavior theories to understand, predict and modify behaviors associated with health promotion and disease prevention. The use of theory-based approaches to examine behavioral alternatives is a common thread in her work spanning cancer prevention, health disparities and research participation.

See my Mayo Clinic research profile

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